What have I gotten myself into?!! :(
FYI I chose Modern Jazz for my PE and it sucks or in a more truthful sense, I SUCK!!! bwahahaha... Yep I do. (And take note: during my class earlier, I was the only one not in PE attire.) Sad... I can't even reach my toes and stretch out my legs and follow the steps and this list can go on and on... WHY THE HELL DID I CHOOSE MODERN JAZZ!!!
Enough ranting for today. Let's dwell on the (more) positive side of life. hmm... College life seems to be getting better. Of course with the company of some of my blockmates :) It almost makes me forget the dreaded Math 18 long exam next week... Dreaded? Why? Let me fill you in with the facts. The first two Math 18 Long Exams would determine if we the ME peeps would still be called ME peeps... Got my point? bwahahahaha... bwahahaha... sad...
Negative vibes seem to be gushing out of me... This calls for my "Meditation Time." I shall go.
This is the end. For now, of course :) Bwahahahaha...
Hahahahahah.. nice ja!
Sympathies, by!
5:33 PM
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