Life is not just worth LIVING. It's worth SHARING.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Just looked at my high school pics. We looked so so so uber-happy. Those times that I took for granted. Those times I did not take for granted. Those golden days had long since passed.

Reality leaped forward and I've been walking way behind him, still staring at those things that are now just a memorabilia called the Past. I yearn that feeling of familiarity that it brought with it.

Everything has changed around me. I no longer feel comfort of what surrounds me. In my mind that fails to accept that time cannot be turned back and that I am now here, I am in a world that is not my own.

This is not my world.


Two freaking months of this hell obviously haven't made it any easier to let it all sink in. I know that the time will come when my new world will be in order, and then, I can call it my own.

But for now, it is yet inconceivable how it will come to be.

Until that time comes, I will have no world of my own.

On my own. In a realm so alien to me. Scattered.


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